May 12, 2024

Soccer x3

 We had a crazy storm this week causing our privacy trees on the side of our house to lean and the loss of a large branch on the tree out front.  There were a couple tornadoes in Charlotte and we could definitely tell!  I have never seen such a storm!  The kids were kept at school until after 530 before they could be safely released.  
Our neighborhood lost a couple trees.
Our cat backpack arrived so we can now take LuLu on walks!
Harper's soccer team had their make up tournament this weekend.  They won both games so they will move on to the championship game next weekend.  After Harper's soccer game, both Ethan and Harper went to the Charlotte FC game with their scout troop.  Scouts eight and up were able to walk in a parade down on the field before the game! 
They met the mascot!
The parade took place an hour before the game started.

May 6, 2024

Snakes and S'mores

Harper went to a veterinary clinic last Monday with her scout troop.  They were able to visit with a snake!
Harper looks much happier than I would be in this situation.
After soccer practice on Thursday, Harper's team had a water gun fight!
If you didn't score, you got shot.
It rained all day Saturday.  Harper's soccer tournament was cancelled.  We went to an escape room instead and successfully escaped!  It was Blackbeard themed and was fun.
We had brunch at Camp North End Sunday.
We ended our weekend with s'mores again!
Our sleepy girl has gained over a pound since we have had her!

April 29, 2024


After the lice disaster, we got back to our normal routine.  Lulu has been super snuggly and fun.  As the school year is wrapping up, there are lots of end of year activities.  We had Multicultural Night this week at Irwin.  Each class was assigned a country and the kids have been working on educational visual displays for weeks.  They had food trucks outside for the event.  It was fun for the kids to show us their hard work.  Alex and Harper went backpacking this weekend in Virginia.  They carried their tent, sleeping bags and mats, food and chairs!  They camped where there are wild ponies.  They had an amazing time!  Ethan and I had a fun weekend shopping for Pokemon cards and eating out.
Our snuggle cat!
Multicultural Night
Harper and Amelia made this poster.
Harper's class did Costa Rica.
Ethan's class studied Japan.
Ethan's fan!
Lulu apparently doesn't support books about other cats. 
I had the afternoon off on Friday so Alex and I checked out Haraz Coffee House for Yemeni coffee and dessert.
We went to Halal Street Food for dinner.  It just opened in Camp North End.
The kids played with neighbors.
Lulu is the bath monitor.
Harper and Alex had an amazing weekend backpacking.
They hiked several miles to their campsite.
Lessons from Scouts came in handy!
Harper loved the wild ponies!
Ethan and I went to a Pokemon store.  He was thrilled to find rare Pokemon.
We ate at Cheesecake Factory for dinner.  He tried to explain Pokemon to me.
Ethan and I worked on his robot project for school.
We went to breakfast at Camp North End.
Then we had a pastry snack, of course!
We had a fire pit and s'mores after dinner on Sunday.  Lulu joined us from the window.