After several weeks of stalking the apartment listings on craigslist and studying the expected lifestyle of Philadelphians (where they take shelter, find food, form social groupings, etc), we finally formed a list of potential prey apartments. The next step was plotting our attack. We traced the distances from home base (Drexel Medical School), communicated with the different leasing agents, and set up a temporary shelter at Aunt Chrissy and Uncle Paul's house. We weren't expecting a good catch, maybe something small, almost descent, and pretty expensive, but what we caught was amazing! We cannot be more excited about our new apartment!! We owe the success of our prize catch to the experienced hunters, Dave and JY... without them we would have made the worst mistake! In the end, the hunt was most successful :)
Our building from the 1920s! Overall, our new apartment is about half of what we have now so we will have to pick and choose what comes with us. Size is the only downside, luckily. The appliances are all stainless steel, the room has just been gutted and remodeled (so we will be the first to live there!), and it is only a 5 minute walk from school.
The view (ours is one story higher) of the house I am going to buy in 50 years :)
Dream shower!
Super tiny bedroom... but it has a remote control fan :)
Pretty bay window for our desk!
The oh so beautiful kitchen that sold me as soon as I walked in!!
Our building from the 1920s! Overall, our new apartment is about half of what we have now so we will have to pick and choose what comes with us. Size is the only downside, luckily. The appliances are all stainless steel, the room has just been gutted and remodeled (so we will be the first to live there!), and it is only a 5 minute walk from school.
The view (ours is one story higher) of the house I am going to buy in 50 years :)
Dream shower!
Super tiny bedroom... but it has a remote control fan :)
Pretty bay window for our desk!
The oh so beautiful kitchen that sold me as soon as I walked in!!
Fantastic! Can't wait to visit. Don't worry too much about the size - we can store stuff for you two!
ReplyDeleteThat last picture shows exactly where the kegerator is going!