June 7, 2009

Mr. Scheer, Rm 608

Only 6 days of school left for Mr. Scheer! Here are a few pictures of his classroom at Northwood High School:


  1. I am so proud of you! Oh, and I love you, too.

  2. this picture reminds me of how you take a picture of a fish you caught - move it very close to the camera so it looks very big. Here we see once picture with a very big Mr. Scheer in the classroom (so is he big or the classroom small?) and another with a very small Mr. Scheer in the classroom (small teacher, large room??). Hard to tell. I guess what's more shocking is Alex playing Mr. Scheer in the classroom. I mean, come on, it's baby Alex, not a grown up teacher!!!

  3. "schools out for summer....sweet!" Your classroom rocks and we had total fun getting to hang out there with you, plus Frank got all the height!
