This afternoon was the Drexel Activities Fair! Each student group puts out a table with information on their club and you can sign up for whatever you are interested in. Each table also puts out some sort of edible persuasion to join their email list so, inevitably, I can now look forward to getting a 100 emails! Hilary started a group this year for Drexel med students interested in helping out with Philadelphia's ACCT (Animal Care and Control Team). This way, students can take a little breather from school to go spend time walking, playing with, or helping to adopt out the animals in Philadelphia's animal shelters. I decided to make special cupcakes for Hilary's table.
A doggie! My frosting was a little too soft and didn't give my cupcakes the exact look I was going for.
The whole plate! I started out with twelve big cupcakes and twenty-four smaller ones... these were all that made it to Monday afternoon :)
Hilary's table!
Stella's American Medical Woman's Association table. I am part of this club!!
Rohini and Meaghan's Neurology Interest Group... I am not part of this one, but I ate their candy anyway :)
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