March 4, 2019

Mommy Weekend

Alex had to take a last minute trip out to California this weekend, so it was just me and the kiddos.  It gave me a huge appreciation for what Alex does every day!  The rainy and cold weather continued Friday, most of Saturday and Sunday, so we had to get creative with our activities.  We decided to do a few science experiments for Science Friday.  Harper had fun guessing what was going to happen and being patient when the outcome wasn't what we had hoped.  Saturday morning, we ventured out to the Carolina Raptor Center to see birds of prey!  The forecast had called for 65 degree weather, but at 11am, it was still in the 40s!  Harper was not too excited to be outside so we didn't stay as long as I had planned.  Luckily, the sun came out and it warmed up in the afternoon so we could go to the park.  The kids did great all weekend and we had an awesome time!
Very excited for our experiments!
First we added food coloring drops to a bowl of milk.
Then we added drops of dish soap and watched as a colorful masterpiece was created!  The dish soap molecules were attracted to the fat molecules in the milk, which pushed the food coloring and the water content of the milk aside and created a colorful movement for us to observe.
Our second experiment was called dancing rice.  We added rice to a mixture of water and baking soda.  The next step of adding vinegar was supposed to make the rice "dance," but for whatever reason, we could not get a reaction to happen!
Our third experiment involved dry erase markers and water.  The ink in a dry erase marker is less dense than water so when water is poured on a stick figure drawing, the buoyancy force pulls the figure off the surface and causes it to float.  We figured out that our dry erase markers were washable so we had to go out to get new ones.
We made this spider move around the bowl!
The last experiment was making elephant toothpaste.  It was a mixture of yeast, water, dish soap, food coloring and hydrogen peroxide.  We were supposed to use 6% hydrogen peroxide, but all we could find at the store was 3%.  Our toothpaste wasn't as thick as it was supposed to be, but the reaction was fun to watch!
We made muffins for breakfast on Saturday morning.
Then ventured out to see the raptors!
We heard a nice talk on red-tailed hawks. 
The sun finally came out in the afternoon so we went to Freedom Park to walk around the lake and play at the playground.
Ethan played on the swing for the first time and loved it!
My silly goobers! 

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