January 10, 2022

Drive-In Movie

We have been trying to avoid other people given the insane amount of Covid in the community right now.  My clinic is so short-staffed that we have been canceling appointments and whole clinics just to make it through the day.  Alex, the kids and I have been playing games, cooking more at home and watching movies.  We decided to do a drive-in movie this past weekend.  The kids loved it!
Setting up for the movie!
Our movie-goers arrived in style. 
Harper paid for the tickets.
The kids picked out their favorite snacks.
And watched Little Mermaid from the comfort of their own cars.
It was fun!  We bought a movie projector for this fun activity and I'm sure it will get a lot of use.  Now we just need an appropriate screen.  We had to use my patterned sheets this time!

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