March 27, 2011

Cheesecake Trial #1: Fail

Our most wonderful, amazing, multifunctional coffee/espresso machine broke a few weeks ago.  It was a present we had received at my wedding shower from Emily and Michele.  The warranty was expired and we could not afford to replace it, so Alex and I were devastated!!  We cannot live without coffee!!  Alex decided to bring the machine back to Crate and Barrel and give returning it a try, even though it was a long shot.  It worked!!  They refunded us all the money!!  They do not make our old coffee machine anymore so we got a new one and had enough money left over to get a special treat... a food processor!  The first thing I wanted to try in our new little addition was a cheesecake.
Moo is a good watcher-helper :)
Trying it out for the first time!
Pureeing raspberries!
Of course the recipe we picked had us doing something unnecessary, but it was our first cheesecake and we didn't know that at the time.  The recipe wanted us to bake the cheesecake in a pan surrounded by hot water in another pan, in order to get an even bake.  After the fail, I looked at other recipes and none of them did this :(  We didn't have a pan big enough to put the cheesecake pan in, but found one eventually, after calling every friend living in Cloverly Park.  After allowing the cake to bake for the specified time, it still was not done.  We waited and waited, but it would not finish baking!  We were supposed to be at Alex's faculty party early enough to spend some time there, then head over to Den's apartment for Olivia's goodbye party.  We decided to just pull the cake out and let it continue to cook in the hot water.  FAIL.

The water seeped into the cheesecake pan, even though I had wrapped it all in aluminum foil.  We ended up with a cheesecake soup.  So sad :(
 And into the trash it went.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to see Moo carrying on the proud watcher-helpering tradition. For those who are uninitiated, a watcher-helper yields better results for all tasks. If Moo had not been there serving her role, the cheesecake probably would have caught on fire or something.
    Sorry about the cheesecake soup. It was very pretty. Try again!
