January 5, 2020

Science Friday

Harper and I decided to do a Science Friday last week.  Our eggsperiment took a couple days, but it was really cool!
We started with a Skittles rainbow experiment.  Harper learned about concentration gradients and stratification...
Then we played with her microscope and looked at different objects up close.  We looked at feathers from the cushions, sea shells from my decorations, drift wood and Harper's dress.
Our most exciting part of Science Friday was our eggsperiment.  We placed three eggs into vinegar and one into water (our control).  We left the eggs overnight.  The vinegar dissolved the calcium carbonate of the egg and created carbon dioxide.  All that remained was the soft membrane that lined the inside of the shell covering the egg white and yolk.
Waiting was the hardest part of this experiment!  
After twenty-four hours, Harper noticed that our vinegar egg was bigger and "bouncy".  Once the hard shell was gone, water moved from the vinegar to the inside of the egg by osmosis to balance the concentration of water across the membrane.  Our egg did grow in size!  It felt like a soft rubber ball.
Next, we put the ink from a pink highlighter into one jar, blue food coloring into another jar, and Pepsi into the third jar.  We were supposed to use corn syrup (a solution with a lower concentration water) to make the egg shrink again as it draws out the water from the egg, but all I had was Pepsi.  It did not work as planned.
Our final product!  The vinegar eggs were all larger than the water egg.  The highlighter egg was translucent and appeared to glow in the dark with a light source behind it!
Harper tried bouncing the eggs from higher and higher starting points.
They do break eventually!

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