June 9, 2024

School's Out!

It was the last week of school and the kids are super excited for summer!  Ethan had a Kindergarten graduation ceremony complete with awards from the teachers.  
Alex was a room parent this year (for both kids) and was in the classroom every Tuesday to teach small group math.  He was a chaperone on every field trip and would organize folders on Thursdays.  He was an integral part of Ethan's kindergarten class.  Ethan's teacher, Ms. Ross, asked Alex to come up and help distribute the awards at the ceremony.  
Congratulations class of 2036!
Ms. Ross' class!
Ethan loved Ms. Ross.
Ethan received an award for Excellent Behavior!
Ethan took this picture.
Harper had an award ceremony on Thursday.  She received the Miss Manners award.
Wednesday was Water Day at school.  The kids played outside with water balloons and sprinklers. 
Lulu also had a water day this week.  She needed a tub and didn't like it one bit!
Clean kitten!
Last morning bus ride!
Alex and I decided to pick up the kids from the bus stop on the last day of school in dinosaur costumes.  The kids were surprised!  
After the dinosaur surprise, we went to the Knights Baseball Stadium for Scouts Night.  We watched the game, saw fireworks then camped on the field!  Emily found out about this event and signed us up!
The view was super neat!
I could see the movie perfectly from my blow up mattress. 
The kids ran around with all the other kids for a couple hours playing tag.
Emily, Frank and the kids camped right next to us.
Good morning!  They did a wake up call at 6am!
We came home and napped.
We went to Nanna and Grandad's pool in the afternoon.
We met up with Alex's friends for Empanada night Saturday night.  Sunday, Alex and the kids met up with friends to go to an Aviation Museum.  

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