June 13, 2013

I Like to Move It, Move It

After two months of preparing, we finally moved to Charlotte!  My dad flew up to Philadelphia the day of the move, helped pack the moving truck, and drove down with us that night to Cary.  Uncle David also helped carry all of our boxes.  We drove over to Charlotte on Monday and had a bunch of helpers waiting for us there.  Debbie, Bay, Tessa, Katherine, and Ryan helped us move all of the boxes and furniture into the townhouse.  They were a huge help.  We would have been moving all day if it were not for them.  The move went smoothly with no scratches or broken items.  We are in love with the new place and will post pictures soon!
 Our poor monster of a couch did not make the move with us.  After taking six hours to move it into the apartment in Philadelphia, we did not want to deal with it again.  Alex decided to saw it in half.
 Four years of cat toys under the couch.
 We had to borrow a bigger saw from a friend to get the job done.
 Finally in two pieces!!  They went through the door with no problem.
 Dumpster couch :(
 Our sweaty group of Charlotte movers!

1 comment:

  1. Laughed out loud at the small coping saw...you needed a nice chainsaw!
