July 18, 2017

Zion: Not for the Narrow-Minded (3 of 9)

We drove north from the Grand Canyon to Zion National Park.  In order to get to our RV site, we had to drive through the entire park.  We were absolutely floored by the beautiful sights we saw along our drive.  The views from Zion were definitely the most impressive and amazing.  It is no wonder that the park has the name Zion.  If we could do it again, we would drive a car through the park so that we could stop at all of the overlooks.  The places along the drive that you could stop were usually pretty small and already had multiple cars parked there.  The RV was often too big to stop.  Our RV camp was also purposely picked along the Zion National Park shuttle route.  The views from the campsite were spectacular.  The temperatures hovered around 105-110 degrees while we were there which was a bit much.  Luckily, we had picked hikes that offered shade.  It is amazing how different the temperature can feel in the shade when there is no humidity.  
Our RV site!
We spent our first evening in Zion hiking the Emerald Pools Trail.  It was a 2.4 mile round trip with shade along the way.
Our pictures truly don't do this park justice.
Our little explorer!
Harper was high-fiving herself on this shuttle ride.
All of the RV parks had playgrounds, which was nice for Harper.
We went out for ice cream our first night with quite the view.
Color time
We were very excited for our Narrows hike.  We had packed water shoes specifically for this hike.  We rode the Zion shuttle forty-five minutes to the Temple of Sinawava stop and then hiked one mile to the start of the Narrows.  Harper fell asleep on the way and missed the family of deer.  We saw tons of wildlife on this trip from friendly deer to fat squirrels and chipmunks to bears!
This squirrel posed so perfectly!
The start of the Narrows!
The water is freezing cold, which is super nice in the heat.
Family photo! 
In the beginning, the trail was very crowded.  The farther we went, the less people there were.  We ended up spending six hours in the Narrows.  The hike was hard, as you are stepping on stones the entire way.  The water was sometimes only up to your ankles, but other times up to your shorts!  The current was pretty strong in places and we had to be careful as both of us were carrying precious cargo (Harps and the camera)!
We stopped to have lunch and let Harper explore.  She did not like the cold water.
This was our favorite and most unique hike by far!
We were definitely exhausted after this day of exploring!
We managed to stop at a few overlooks on our way out.
Goodbye Zion!

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