July 7, 2024

Happy Holidays - Summer Edition

We have had such a busy week, although I feel like I say this every week.  I had a long 58 hour call last weekend and wasn't able to come home, but Alex kept the kids happy with activities.  They went back to Lake Norman with Alex's friend and his lovely boat.  I heard some pretty epic tubing stories.  Lisa came down Sunday night in preparation for Harper's birthday party on Monday.  I had to work Monday morning so Alex took the kids to a trampoline park.  The families arrived Monday afternoon to celebrate the birthday girl!
Boat kids!
Trampoline park on Harper's birthday!
  Ready for presents! 
It took four days to eat this entire cake!
I can't believe our baby is nine!
Lu was tired out from the party.
I was on call again Tuesday so Alex and the kids went to Carowinds with his family.
One of Harper's birthday gifts was an iFly experience.  We did this after work Wednesday afternoon.  It was amazing!!  Much to my surprise, Ethan wanted to participate as well.  It felt like sticking your head out of the window on a highway.  It wasn't scary at all, it just felt like floating.
Wednesday was also Alex and my fifteenth anniversary!  We went out for dinner and a movie.  We ended up running into an old friend at the theater!  Nanna and Grandad watched the kids and we picked them up on our way home.
After the scare at Romare Beardon Park last year, Alex wanted to watch the Uptown fireworks from Camp North End.  Our neighbor Meghan and I drove over early to leave our cars to hold a spot for later.  We stopped at Wentworth and Fenn for a treat.
The kids played on this water slide for hours in the afternoon.
We had a couple neighbors over for dinner and grilled out.
We headed over to Camp North End when it got dark.
We drove to Cary after work on Friday in preparation for Lisa's birthday celebrations.  Lulu loves to snuggle in the car.
We went to Shilpa and Matt's annual pool party on Saturday.
Aunt Lis made a birthday cake for Lisa.
We celebrated Lisa's birthday again on Sunday with brunch and more cake.
Lulu met her cousin, Templeton.  There was a lot of growling and stalking on Lu's part. 
Templeton even sought refuge from Alex.
Headed back home!  The kids will be busy this coming week with martial arts camp.

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