September 15, 2024

Starting to Feel Like Fall

The sun is setting earlier and the weather is getting chillier at night.  We are excited for fall!  All of our activities are in full swing now.  The kids both have Scouts on Monday nights, Ethan has soccer on Wednesday, Harper has soccer on Thursday and they both have soccer on Saturday.  We have been signing Ethan up for a pop-up gymnastics class at the brewery near our house.  Harper participated too this past week as it was on Friday night.  She was a little too big for the class so it will just be Ethan going forward.
Lu likes to interfere with dishes.  She thinks the dish towel is her bed.
Gymnastics on Friday!
Frank and Hendrik had dinner with us at the brewery Friday night.
Harper's team won 9-0 Saturday morning. 
Ethan's team lost their game, but Ethan had some good touches!
Lu Lu got some time outside this weekend.  We didn't end up doing very much this weekend because I was very under the weather.  

September 9, 2024

Garage Organization

Alex and I organized the garage!  Alex cleared out things he no longer wanted.  The kids now have dedicated spaces for their things.  Our camping equipment is accessible now.  It is great!
The soccer chairs are easy to grab before games and practices.  Alex's disc golf bag and motorcycle gear are also hanging here.
We have sports shelves!  All the discs, balls, skates, sports bags, etcetera have a place!
We hung some of the yard equipment.  The skateboards are now on the wall.  Our beach chairs are up too!
The ladder is up as are all the items that could hang on the rack.
Our camping gear is all labeled (with a new label maker) and organized.  There is a bouncy house shelf and a beach shelf. 
All the bikes, scooters and helmets are up!
We have a lot of wheels in this garage, but this is a big improvement. 

September 8, 2024

White Water Weekend

We had a great week!  The after school activities are starting to pickup.  I took Harper to soccer practice Thursday night and Alex took Ethan to a pop-up gymnastics class at the brewery near out house.  Ethan loved his gymnastics class and both kids will be attending a class this coming Friday.  Both kids had 8am soccer games on Saturday.  Harper's team won her game and Ethan tied his.  It was Ethan's first time ever playing soccer!  We went out on Lake Norman with Alex's friends after the games as the weather was beautiful.  On Sunday, we started a membership at the White Water Center and did some zip-lining and ropes courses.  We can't wait to go back with our new membership! 
Alex and Emily had lunch with the kids at school on Friday.
The Blue Lightening, defending season champs!
I don't know if Ethan's team has a name yet.
Cake pops for the soccer players!
Lake Norman
Alex went water skiing!
We stopped to play on a little island.
The kids had a blast. 
We had a fire Saturday night after cooking out with Alex's parents. 
We are super excited to spend more time at the White Water Center.
Ethan protested and put up a fight about having to zip-line.  I promised him two cookies if he did it once.  Luckily, our scaredy cat loved it!
We did a beginners rope course after zip-lining. 
Ethan boogied his way through it.  He was the fastest of the four of us!
I love eating with the white water rafters behind us!