September 9, 2024

Garage Organization

Alex and I organized the garage!  Alex cleared out things he no longer wanted.  The kids now have dedicated spaces for their things.  Our camping equipment is accessible now.  It is great!
The soccer chairs are easy to grab before games and practices.  Alex's disc golf bag and motorcycle gear are also hanging here.
We have sports shelves!  All the discs, balls, skates, sports bags, etcetera have a place!
We hung some of the yard equipment.  The skateboards are now on the wall.  Our beach chairs are up too!
The ladder is up as are all the items that could hang on the rack.
Our camping gear is all labeled (with a new label maker) and organized.  There is a bouncy house shelf and a beach shelf. 
All the bikes, scooters and helmets are up!
We have a lot of wheels in this garage, but this is a big improvement. 

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