September 15, 2024

Starting to Feel Like Fall

The sun is setting earlier and the weather is getting chillier at night.  We are excited for fall!  All of our activities are in full swing now.  The kids both have Scouts on Monday nights, Ethan has soccer on Wednesday, Harper has soccer on Thursday and they both have soccer on Saturday.  We have been signing Ethan up for a pop-up gymnastics class at the brewery near our house.  Harper participated too this past week as it was on Friday night.  She was a little too big for the class so it will just be Ethan going forward.
Lu likes to interfere with dishes.  She thinks the dish towel is her bed.
Gymnastics on Friday!
Frank and Hendrik had dinner with us at the brewery Friday night.
Harper's team won 9-0 Saturday morning. 
Ethan's team lost their game, but Ethan had some good touches!
Lu Lu got some time outside this weekend.  We didn't end up doing very much this weekend because I was very under the weather.  

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