April 25, 2011

Oregon Spring Break

Last week was Alex's spring break and he decided to spend it visiting his dad in Oregon!  Alex had a great time and is already planning his next trip out there :)
Snowboarding at Mount Hood!
 Skiing at Mount Hood!
There was a bluegrass band at the base of the mountain!
Alex wanted to see the Pacific Ocean so they made the long trek to the beach!  There were parks along the way with the most depressing names!!
Standing in front of Disappointment Bay
It has been super rainy in Philadelphia for what feels like ALL of 2011 so far, so Alex had to go all the way to the west coast just to see the sun!
Snacking on a helicopter
You can see Washington across the water!
I kept getting text messages from Alex about all the wild life he was seeing.  These elk are hiding in the woods!
Alex and his dad have been working a few songs for a while now, so they spent one day at a recording studio to make a CD!  Now I can listen to them while I study!


  1. I want to hear the songs!!


  2. So, cute and glad they had a blast! Em
