August 20, 2023

Iceland Day 6

We started our day at Viti Crater with its bright blue water then we headed east to Dettifoss, the most powerful waterfall in Europe.
There was a short hike to get to Dettifoss.  Harper brought all of her stuffed animals.
They spray from the falls was intense.  You couldn't actually see the bottom of the falls because of the spray. 
We walked over to see Selfoss after Dettifoss. 
I was very excited to see Studlagil Canyon.  It was a couple hours drive from Dettifoss.  The hike from the second parking lot was two and a half miles there and back.  Taking the RV to that parking lot was not recommended given the poor condition of the road.  The other lot would have added two additional miles to our hike.  Of course, we drove to the second lot.  It was a bumpy drive and we almost lost a bumper, but it was worth it.
We brought the hiking backpack on this hike.  Harper used it for her stuffed animal when Ethan wasn't in it.
This canyon was one of the reasons I wanted to go to Iceland.  On certain days, the water running through is a bright turquoise blue. 
We got donuts from a food truck at the completion of the hike.
We had dinner in the Vok parking lot.
Vok Baths 
All of the nice baths had a bar you could swim up to.
The kids enjoyed their juice.
Vok had floating heated pools.   You could dive into the water for a cold plunge.
They had alcohol free wines and beers at all the places we went.
Alex took a plunge! 
At one point, we couldn't find Harper.  She had gone off with her friend to the bar for smoothies.  This friend was from Germany.
Our campsite!
Alex and the kids played card games.

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